OEM Representative Role & Responsibilities

Thank you for supporting the NAPB 2025 Conference as an OEM Representative! If you have been identified as an OEM Representative (OEM Rep) for a breakout session at the upcoming NAPB 2025 Conference, this page provides a brief overview on this role and what to expect before, during, and after the conference. For additional detail, please review our OEM Rep Guidelines.

OEM Rep Overview

Ducker Carlisle hosted webinars for OEM Reps to kick off the conference season and to answer any questions you may have. The webinar recording is available for reference and can be accessed here

Your Role

OEM Reps are responsible for providing data and materials to support conference sessions presentations. Your input shapes session discussions.

Why you were Selected

Steering Committee Members identify an OEM Rep for each conference topic, choosing someone knowledgeable on the assigned topic. 

Why Participate

You are the foundation of success for NAPB. In exchange for sharing your knowledge, your team gains access to industry discussions on the most critical topics of today. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Supporting the Conference Prep Process

As OEM Rep, your primary responsibilities fall in supporting the preparation of the conference session presentation materials. The Ducker Carlisle team coordinates with OEM Reps across all participating OEMs to collect information regarding what each organization is doing on the session topic. This content is consolidated into a final presentation to be used to facilitate discussion during the session at the conference. 

Questionnaires are typically due in November or December of the year prior to the conference, with any follow-up requests occurring in January and February of the conference year. Adhering to this timeline is essential for finalizing and reviewing all materials ahead of the April conference. Deadlines for submitting information will be communicated well in advance, and you will generally have 2-3 weeks to complete each request. If you’re unable to meet these deadlines, please inform your facilitator(s) or Steering Committee Members as soon as possible.

Below are key deadlines for your reference:

  • November 2024: OEM Reps fill out and return the requested information to Ducker Carlisle.
  • December 2024: Ducker Carlisle determines interview requirements. OEM reps will be contacted if further information is needed.
  • January 2025: Phone interviews with OEM Reps to capture case studies and prepare presentation content.
  • February 2025: OEM reps provide any additional follow-up materials to Ducker Carlisle.
  • March 2025: Steering Committee edits and approves OEM-specific presentation content.
  • April 2025: NAPB 2025 April 28th – 30th 

Generally, all OEM representatives are required to fill out an online questionnaire that includes key questions related to the specified session topic. The length and complexity of this questionnaire will vary based on the session type and scope; it may be very brief or necessitate more extensive data collection.

In addition to the online questionnaire, you might be asked to participate in a phone interview or provide supplementary materials regarding your organization’s initiatives in the relevant topic area. Any such requests for additional information will come directly from your facilitator or support staff.

All data and materials provided by OEM Reps are the basis of the presentations that will be used during the conference sessions. You and your Steering Committee Member will have the opportunity to review any company-specific slides in advance of the conference. For example deliverables from past conferences, please reference the OEM Rep Webinar or contact your facilitator or Steering Committee Member for sample reports

The level of participation required for each session from each OEM varies, so the total amount of time you spend as an OEM Rep differs. Throughout the entire prep process (October through April), we expect an OEM Rep to spend no more than 6 hours total at the maximum. Most will be much less than that – some as low as 30 minutes, many closer to 3-4 hours total.

Our team is committed to making the preparation process as straightforward as possible for you. Recognizing that each OEM has unique circumstances, we understand there may be variability in what you can provide or how readily available certain information is. If you encounter any difficulties with our requests, please don't hesitate to reach out to your session facilitator. We can help prioritize the most critical information to simplify your submissions.

The activities that you can expect to spend more time on are: 

  • Session Information Request: no survey should take longer than 1.5 hours to complete (including time to track down data). Many surveys take closer to 30 minutes. If you find you’re unable to complete your information request in under 1.5 hours, please contact your session facilitator for support. 
  • Interviews: for some OEM Reps, we will want to collect additional detail on your responses on the topic to build out case study pages to prepare to highlight your OEM during the session. If this is the case, we will request a follow-up phone interview. Lengths vary, but typically will be 30-60 minute phone call. 
  • Follow-up & Reviews: for OEMs submitting case studies or additional detail on a session, we may have a few back and forth exchanges to finalize our slide development and ensure all our information is accurate. Timing on this will vary, but should take no more than an hour total. 

There are a few individuals from the Ducker Carlisle team you may hear from throughout the conference prep process: 

  • Session Facilitator: each breakout session is assigned a primary facilitator from the Ducker Carlisle team. This individual will lead the discussion during the session at the conference but is also your main point of contact throughout the prep process. They can answer any questions you have on your session survey or any other requests you receive. You will be introduced to your facilitator via email once your session’s prep process kicks off.
  • Session Support Staff: beyond the facilitator, each breakout session is assigned a dedicated support team member. This individual is responsible for developing the session materials, so you may also hear from them throughout the process to validate data, schedule interviews, or to generally coordinate any additional follow-ups needed.
  • Ducker Carlisle Insights Team: the Ducker Carlisle Insights team is responsible for coordinating and managing the entire NAPB process, so you will also hear from us at various points in the prep process. You will receive a handful of notes and request from the Insights team via the email insights@duckercarlisle.com, including the session information request survey, so please be on the lookout for that.

Depending on the needs of your session, your facilitator and/or support staff may be in touch with you periodically to confirm details or request additional information. In most cases, OEM Rep responsibilities are complete once all information requests have been submitted (until the actual conference time).

All data and materials shared within Ducker Carlisle’s benchmarks is protected by our Benchmarking Non-Disclosure Agreement, which protects the sharing of information across our member OEMs. We will never request confidential or sensitive information, but if you have concerns regarding what can be shared, please consult your Steering Committee Member for additional guidance.

You can review and sign the NDA acknowledgement directly here: DuckerCarlisleNDA2025.com

Participation at the Conference

Your participation may vary depending on the format and final scope of your assigned session. All conference attendance decisions are made by your steering committee member(s). If you have any questions about your planned attendance, please reach out to them directly.

As an OEM Rep at the conference, you will be an active participant in the session discussion. You should be prepared to speak on the topic, and comfortable answering questions on behalf of your organization. Depending on the format and scope of your session, your exact role may change – you may be asked to present your organization’s case study slides, or you may simply be asked to participate in the open discussion with the group. The Ducker Carlisle facilitator will lead and moderate the discussion, with all OEM Reps engaging in relevant conversation by asking and answering questions of one another.

Note that it is possible you may have been assigned the OEM Rep role for the conference, even if you were not the original OEM Rep on the topic. This is a common practice, as not all subject matter experts are able to attend the conference due to scheduling and travel conflicts. If this is the case for you, don’t worry! Your Ducker Carlisle facilitator will work with you to ensure you’re prepared for the conference discussion.

Shortly before the conference (1-2 weeks), you will receive a final copy of the presentation materials from your session facilitator. Additionally, your facilitator will schedule a preconference check-in with you, along with all other OEM Reps participating in the session. If you are unable to attend this pre-conference meeting, please feel free to reach out to your facilitator directly to answer any questions you may have. Please plan to review the session materials in advance of the conference and be prepared to speak to any case study slides from your organization. 

There are several different types of breakout sessions at the conference, each of which has a unique setup and participation expectation from the OEM Reps. In the OEM Rep Guidelines, you will find more information on each of these session types to help you better understand how your session will be formatted, and what will be asked of you in terms of discussion. If you are unsure of your session type, please ask your Ducker Carlisle facilitator.

As an OEM Rep, please arrive at the session at least 15 minutes early. This will allow you time to get settled in, find your seating arrangement, meet the Ducker Carlisle staff, and get comfortable with your fellow OEM Reps. 

Yes, while the discussion will primarily be amongst the Ducker Carlisle facilitator and OEM Reps, audience members are encouraged to ask questions of OEM Reps. The conversation content will follow what participants and audience members are interested in. 

Yes, you may be asked to serve as an OEM Rep for multiple sessions, depending on your role and expertise across various topics. However, we recommend limiting representation to no more than 2 sessions to ensure focused engagement and effective participation.

If you’ve been asked to act as OEM Rep for a session at the conference and you don’t think
you’ll be able to fill this role, please alert your Steering Committee Member ASAP.

After NAPB 

Once the NAPB conference concludes, your role as an OEM Rep will generally come to an end. Presentation materials will be accessible to all conference attendees through their EventHub, and Steering Committee members will receive copies of all deliverables for further distribution.

Looking ahead, you may be assigned as an OEM Rep for next year’s conference! Each year, the Steering Committee meets to plan the breakout session topics for the following conference. Depending on the selected topics, you may be invited to serve as an OEM Rep again in the future.

For additional details or questions on NAPB, please reach out to insights@duckercarlisle.com.  

For any questions on your role or why you were selected, please reach out to your designated Steering Committee Member.